Auto Physical Damage

Plugged-In: EV Collision Insights Q1 2024

June 4, 2024

Ryan Mandell

Mitchell, An Enlyte Company汽车物理损害索赔执行董事

2024年第一季度,电动汽车(EV)可维修索赔频率上升至2次.26% in the United States and 3.加拿大为41%,比2023年第一季度分别增长约40%和38%. 特斯拉去年年底的降价引发了整个电动汽车领域的价格暴跌. As a result, 电动汽车和内燃机汽车之间的价格平价可能比之前预测的要快. For example, Cox Automotive reported that in the U.S. 到2023年底,一辆新电动汽车的平均交易价格为50美元,798, only $2,040 more than a gas-powered vehicle at $48,759”. That same rapid move towards price parity, however, 也削弱了消费者对二手电动汽车财务可行性的信心, with prices falling by more than 30% year over year versus a 3.6% decline for used ICE vehicles.

EV Frequency of Repairable Claims Volume Q1 2024

随着EV值的减小,EV总损耗频率增大. In the U.S., EVs were written off as a total loss 9.2024年第一季度93%的时间(比2023年第四季度增长8%,比2023年第三季度增长30%). Canadian EV total loss frequency was 7.上季度48%(比2023年第四季度和第三季度分别增长7%和29%). 这一戏剧性的增长使电动汽车基本上与较新的ICE车型保持一致, based on the latest claims data, 没有证据表明它们被宣布为总损失的比率明显高于ICE汽车. 事实上,2021年及更新的汽油动力汽车上个季度的总损耗频率与此类似.51% in the U.S. and 7.44% in Canada.

When it comes to repairable vehicles, however, 声称电动汽车的严重程度继续超过内燃机汽车. In Q1 2024, average severity was $6,066 for all EVs—including Tesla models—and $4,703 for ICE vehicles in the U.S., a difference of $1,363 or 29%. In Canada, average severity was $6,810 (CAD) for all EVs and $5,110 (CAD) for ICE alternatives, a difference of $1,700 (CAD) or 33%.

In the U.S., EVs were written off as a total loss 9.2024年第一季度93%的时间(比2023年第四季度增长8%,比2023年第三季度增长30%). Canadian EV total loss frequency was 7.上季度48%(比2023年第四季度和第三季度分别增长7%和29%).

在比较可修复车辆的估计机械劳动时间时,电动汽车和内燃机替代品之间的差异也很明显. 电动汽车的行驶小时数明显更高.04 compared to 1.66. 美国和日本的平均机械劳动率.S. 在加拿大,每小时超过100美元,这额外的时间增加了电动汽车维修的巨大成本. 电动汽车的额外劳动时间很可能是由于高压电池的管理, 在碰撞修复和抛光过程中,需要断电并经常完全拆除以保护它.

就电动汽车的普及而言,里程焦虑仍然是一个障碍. However, 更多的充电点可以帮助缓解潜在的新电动汽车购买者的担忧. In 2023, Canadian public charging ports increased by 30% and U.S. public charging ports increased by 22% over the previous year. Also influencing adoption is the cost of fuel. Several financial institutions and the U.S. 美国能源情报署上调了原油价格目标 对于2024年下半年,一些人预计到年底平均油价将超过每桶100美元. If prices at the pump continue to rise, 更多的消费者可能会再次考虑购买电动汽车, 尤其是现在,高昂的电动汽车溢价似乎已成为过去.

EV Q1 2024 Percentage Statistics

Average Repairable Severity Q1 2024

By the Numbers


Top EV Model Frequency by Region Q1 2024

*Difference between Q1 2024 and Q4 2023.


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